lunes, 23 de abril de 2007

Lemon Tree Lesson Plan

  1. First we see Cool Cycle Water. Pay attention to the vocabulary
  2. Hello agaom guys in La Tarigüela (Jérica) We are going to sing a very nice song: LemonTree. One of the link I bumped into was this wonderful flash clip of the song lemon tree.
  3. And remember: your families are watching you on line at

    From Isabel Pérez Blog:
    In my present job I work until Maundy Thursday. But, after a very busy month I have spent sometime checking some of the activities other teachers prepared in my last workshops. I found very creative activities and good links. One of the link I bumped into was this wonderful flash clip of the song lemon tree.

    I already had that song in my list of songs, but when I found this nice flash I felt like preparing an online exercise and update the song.

    The lyric is
    More versions for Lemon Tree in

    Thanks to everyone

1 comentario:

Ana dijo...

A wonderful song. I love it so much, that I put in my email. There lots of versions and interesting activities to do.