Look for more information about Space and Planets in http://del.icio.us/juanbueno/space
You should post a comment describing the planet you like best and telling why. Yor must write two paragraphs at least. 10 lines. In your comments you have to write your full name, never Anonymus.
Make a space/planet/solar system model with any kind of material and bring it to the classroom as a project.
13 comentarios:
Venus is a small, rocky planet blanketed in a thick layer of yellowish clouds. These clouds are not made of water (like the ones here on Earth). Instead, they are formed from a poison called sulfuric acid.
Venus' surface is very hot - about 400 degrees Celsius!
Even though Venus is very cloudy, it's simply *too hot* for rain to form.
The first spacecraft to visit Venus was Mariner 2 in 1962. Venus has since been visited by more than 20 spacecraft in all so far! Some of these visiting spacecraft include: Pioneer Venus, Venera 7, Venera 9 and Magellan.
It's is the first planet from the Solar System,its made for ice and fire.
It's quickest planet from the Solar System,it moves to 58 km/second,it's late 88 terrestrial days in realizing a return about the Sun.
Surface of Mercury, as that of the Moon, presents numerous impacts of meteorites of all dimensions. Some of the craters are relatively recent, of some million years of age, and are characterized by the presence of a central beak(peak). It seems to be that the most ancient craters have had a very strong erosion, possibly due to the big changes of temperature that in a normal day range between 623 K (350 ºC) for the day and 103 K (-170 ºC) in the night. The biggest crater is Caloris's Cuenca, which has a diameter of 1300 km.
Saturn is the second of the outer planets. It is also the second largest planet in our solar system. Because it is so big, people can see it without a telescope. The ancient Greeks and Romans saw it and named it Saturn. In 1610, Galileo discovered it had "lumps" on each side when he looked at it through his telescope.He discovered Saturn had rings!
Saturn is made mostly of hydrogen and helium. On Earth these are usually gases. In fact, helium is the gas used to blow up balloons that float. On Saturn, hydrogen and helium are liquids! Saturn has weather and storms. Scientists think these are mostly wind storms. Click here to see a movie of a storm on Saturn. The storm is the bright yellow and blue patches in the middle of Saturn.
Mars,this is fourth planet from the sun.It is cold and lifeless with permanentice caps.It is often called the red planet.The firt spacecraft(Mariner 4)landed on it in 1965.
Basilia Martínez. Marina Torres 6º A
Earth this is the only planet supporting life and has the most
varied surface.It is 4.6 billon years old.It is the densest body
in the Solar System.It has one Moon.
Uranus it´s a a blue-green colour and has a faint ring system. This planets was visited by the spacecraft Voyager 2 in 1986.It spins differently to other planets.
It´s the seventh planets for the solar system and is a outer planets.
Lourdes Acedo y Maricarmen Álvarez. 6º A
Earth is the third planet from the sun.Earth is often called the ¨water planet¨because it is the only planet in our solar system which has liquid water on its surface.About 70% of the surface of earth is covered by water!The other part of earth is made up of continents and islands which have different landforms on them.Examples landforms are mountains, an plains.Because earth has so much water,plants and animals can live on earth it has got one moon
Neptune is the eighth and last planet of the Solar System. Form leaves from denominated outer or gaseous planets. Its name comes from the Roman God Neptune, the God of the sea. After the Uranus discovery, it was observed that the orbits of Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter did not behave as they predicted the laws of Kepler and Newton. The Adams and It Verrier, of independent form, calculated the position of another planet, Neptune, that found Galle, the 23 of September of 1846, to less of a degree of the position calculated by Adams and Him Verrier. Later, one noticed that Galileo already had observed Neptune in 1611, but she had taken it by a star.
jupiteris the fifth planet from the sun.it is a gas giant,which means it made of gas.
jupiter is the largest planet it has a special feature called ``the great red spot´´ it's 1,300 times
bigger than earth.
Salvador francisco BravoMorales
Marina Ayuso Macias.
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. It has almost no atmosphere. This means there is no air. Because there's no air, there is no weather. It is a small planet. Mercury is about one-third the size of Earth. If Earth were the size of a baseball, Mercury would be the size of a golf ball. Because it is so small, gravity is much less on Mercury than on Earth. If you weighed 100 pounds on Earth, you would only weigh 38 pounds on Mercury.
It is a small, dark gray, rocky planet. It looks a lot like Earth's moon. Its dry, dusty surface is covered with craters. Craters are round holes where meteors have hit the planet. Because there is no wind, rain, or snow on Mercury to cause erosion, all of its craters are still visible. It gets very hot in the daytime and very cold at night.
Sara Cortés and Lucía Lastres. 6º A
The Earth, the planet where we lived, is a beautiful blue and white ball when it is watched from the space. The third planet from the Sun, is the greater one of inner planets. The Earth is the only planet where it knows that life exists and that it has liquid water in his surface.
The Earth surface
The Earth, the greater rocky planet, was created does around 4,5 billion years. Its surface is unique between planets because there is liquid water only here. Some examples of the terrestrial superficial characteristics are the mountains, earthquakes, rivers, volcanos and the deserts. Nevertheless, it has much more due to the complexity of our planet. Most of the terrestrial surface is covered by water, and the rest is rocky. The outer Earth layer formed a crust lasts as the surface cooled off. The crust is composed by great plates that move slowly. If two plates collide, the formation of mountainous chains can be caused. Many other superficial characteristics also are the result of the plates to the drift.
The terrestrial atmosphere
The atmosphere surrounds to the planet Earth and it protects to us preventing the entrance of dangerous radiations of the sun. The atmosphere is a gas mixture that becomes tenuous more and more until reaching the space. The air in the atmosphere is essential for the life since it allows us to breathe. Many studies have recently been made on the atmosphere in relation to the call “effect conservatory”. The atmosphere is divided in five layers depending on as the temperature changes with the height. Most of the phenomena of the time it happens in undercoat.
The Earth is the third planet of the Solar System and the fourth of them from smallest to largest. It lies about 150 million kilometers from the Sun is the only planet on which we now know the existence of life. The Earth was formed at the same time as the Sun and the rest of the solar system some 4570 million years. The volume of the Earth is more than a million times smaller than the mass of the Sun and the Earth is nine times that of its satellite, the Moon. The average temperature of the earth's surface is about 15 ° C. At its origin, the Earth may have been only an aggregate of incandescent rock and gases.
6ºA alba maria leon hervas
Pluto was considered the Solar System`s ninth planet.
Last year Pluto was added to te list of minor planet;a number of scientists continue to hold that Pluto should be classified as a planet.
The name Pluto was proposed by Venetia Burney.Venetia was interested in classical mythology as well as astronomy,and considered the name, one of the alternate names of Hades, the Greek god of the Underworld,appropriate for such a presumably dark and cold world.
6ºA Carmen García Gallego
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